
If you are loving food as much as I do, delicious, healthy food without any concession, then you are at the right place. I’m sharing my plant-based recipes for a healthy and nourishing lifestyle. I believe that a plant-based diet is better for ourselves and for the world we live in. I cook almost entirely whole-foods and completely organic.

I started my blog because I wanted to share how easy and simple it is to create a healthy and tasteful meal with whole-plant foods. When I started my plant-based lifestyle more then 12 years ago I didn’t no where to start. How to drink my lattes in the morning, or what to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Thankfully lots has changed during these years and through my journey I learned a lot from other plant-based an vegan blogs, and many documentaries like forks over knives. I believe we never stop learning, so join me on my journey.

Lots of love,
